X: 1 T: The Congress R: reel C: Traditional O: Irish M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Edor Q: 1/4=120 N: N: - Other variants can be found here: https://thesession.org/tunes/208 N: - Ending is not notated. Typically I'd stop on the last E of the last bar. |:BEED E2FA|Beec dBAd|BEGE BEGE|FDDE FABd| BEED E2FA|Beec dBAF|GFGA BdBA|GEFD E2FA:| |:Beed efed|Beed BdAd|BdAd BdAd|Beec dBAd| Beed e2ed|Beec dBAF|G2GA B2BA|GEFD E2FA:|